Part of our testing mechanism is to verify that a bank account and sort-code combination is valid and we retrieve the bank details for that combination (using a commercial account lookup service). So we couldn't just replace the sort-code and/or account number with random numbers.
Conversely, replacing all account numbers with a handful of known, "safe" working values would lead to skewed data spreads, so that wouldn't work.
A better solution is to shuffle the existing data, moving the sort-code and account number pairs to a different, unrelated client record.
We found a description of the Fisher-Yates Shuffle (one variety of which is also known as the Knuth Shuffle) which seemed like a good way to achieve our aim. It seems to be used quite widely to do exactly what we wanted, but I couldn't find any examples of implementing the shuffle in PL/SQL.
So, here's our solution:
set serveroutput on size unlimited DECLARE jswap NUMBER ; jint NUMBER := 17 ; lcount NUMBER := 0 ; lrowcount NUMBER := 0 ; TYPE tab_ba IS TABLE OF client_bank_accts%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; array_ba tab_ba ; CURSOR r IS SELECT * FROM client_bank_accts; sav_banksortcd client_bank_accts.banksortcd%TYPE; sav_bankacctnbr client_bank_accts.bankacctnbr%TYPE; BEGIN OPEN r; LOOP FETCH r BULK COLLECT INTO array_ba LIMIT 5000; lrowcount := array_ba.COUNT; FOR i IN REVERSE 1 .. array_ba.COUNT LOOP jswap := trunc(dbms_random.value(1, i+1)); sav_banksortcd := array_ba(i).banksortcd; sav_bankacctnbr := array_ba(i).bankacctnbr; UPDATE client_bank_accts SET banksortcd = array_ba(jswap).banksortcd, bankacctnbr = array_ba(jswap).bankacctnbr WHERE clientbankacctseq = array_ba(i).clientbankacctseq; UPDATE client_bank_accts SET banksortcd = sav_banksortcd, bankacctnbr = sav_bankacctnbr WHERE clientbankacctseq = array_ba(jswap).clientbankacctseq; lcount := lcount + 2; END LOOP; EXIT WHEN r%NOTFOUND; COMMIT; END LOOP; CLOSE r; dbms_output.put_line('Completed. '||to_char(lcount)||' rows updated!'); END; /
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