Tuesday, 23 December 2008

RMAN Duplicate Gotchas - Part 2: Standby DB Restores and Redo Log Group

In my previous post I discussed identifying which media you would need to use when performing a restore in order to duplicate a database via RMAN.

In this post, I'll discuss a couple of other issues that you may come across; although, admittedly, they are fairly uncommon.

Standby DB Restores

Like a lot of other sites we maintain a physical standby database, managed using Dataguard, ready to use as a failover instance, in case of problems with the main RAC database. This database is the source for all backups, to avoid overloading the production servers. This leads to a small gotcha when performing any restores from the production database to create a duplicate or clone DB.

When backing-up we connect, as expected to the standby database and the RMAN repository catalog, as below:

rman catalog=rman/password@catalog_db target=sys/passwd@standby_db

RMAN then backs up the file contents from the standby database location, as expected, but because the database has the same DBID as the production database, they are marked as having the file names of the production service.

When you come to perform the RMAN duplicate using the standby DB as target will not work correctly. When attempting to create the duplicate database's controlfile RMAN will barf, saying that it cannot use a standby controlfile as source for a duplicate. You therefore have to connect to your production server directly to run the DUPLICATE command:

rman catalog=rman/password@catalog_db target=sys/passwd@prod_db auxiliary=sys/passwd@clone_db

In addition, you will likely need to amend the parameters which are passed to your tape backup software to ensure that it knows where to find the backup files. If, like us, you have separate backup servers for production and other environments, you will need to pass in the relevant policy, backup server and original backup client names which were used to perform the backup:

allocate channel t1 type sbt;
allocate auxiliary channel ta1 type sbt;
allocate channel d1 type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel da1 type disk;
send 'NB_ORA_POLICY=PROD_POLICY,NB_ORA_SERV=prod_bkup_server,

This also means, as seen above, that you will need to allocate channels (and auxiliary channels) manually, rather than relying on any default channgels you may have defined in your clone database environment.

Redo Log Groups

Oracle allows you to create any almost any number of redo log groups on a database and to number them with any numbering scheme you fancy. At our site, the production groups are numbered with a 3-digit scheme, 101, 201, 301, etc, with each group containing multiple log members.

Unfortunately, there is a 'feature' which will crash your DUPLICATE in this particular case. RMAN attempts to re-create the redo log groups from the target system, but the code obviously cannot cope with redo log group numbers which are more than 2-digits wide. We therefore are forced to include the LOGFILE clause with the DUPLICATE command to re-number the groups and allow the command to complete:

duplicate target database to CLONEDB
until scn 36511896776
logfile GROUP 1 ('/u01/ oradata/CLONEDB/redo01_1.dbf',
'/u02/oradata/CLONEDB/redo01_2.dbf') SIZE 500M,
GROUP 2 ('/u01/oradata/CLONEDB/redo02_1.dbf',
'/u02/oradata/CLONEDB/redo02_2.dbf') SIZE 500M,
GROUP 3 ('/u01/oradata/CLONEDB/redo03_1.dbf',
'/u02/oradata/CLONEDB/redo03_2.dbf') SIZE 500M,
GROUP 4 ('/u01/oradata/CLONEDB/redo04_1.dbf',
'/u02/oradata/CLONEDB/redo05_2.dbf') SIZE 500M REUSE;

If you forget to add the LOGFILE clause first time around (as I did), don't despair. The database restore will have already completed. Simply re-run the DUPLICATE command with the additional clause - RMAN knows that the datafiles are now in place and things should pick-up from there.

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